How you can help others, by helping yourself!
I get a lot of satisfaction and enjoyment from volunteering my time with several great charities. It is my mission and promise to you that every hour of paid work that I do, is matched by equal hours of volunteering my time to others.
Action for Happiness
I am an Action for Happiness course leader, and aim to run two courses per year. Our patron is The Dalai Lama and our members take action to increase wellbeing in their homes, workplaces, schools and local communities. Our vision is a happier world, with fewer people suffering with mental health problems and more people feeling good, functioning well and helping others.
Breeze Ride Leader
I am a qualified Breeze Ride Leader and I encourage women to take up cycling, or find the confidence to get back into cycling. Cycling is a great way to socialise if someone is feeling anxious as there is no direct eye contact. Also, I totally believe in the benefits of nature and exercise on our mental health.
Family Lives
I answer calls and emails on the Family Lives national helpline. Family Lives is a family support charity, providing help in every aspect of family life. We listen, support and never judge. We believe that happy children come from happy families.
Yes Futures
I am a coach for Yes Futures and work with primary and secondary school children. Yes Futures specialises in extra-curricular personal development programmes within schools, improving young people's confidence, resiliency, self-awareness and communication skills. We empower young people to have happy and successful futures.